100+ Trap shooting quotes – Skeet shooting Quotes

Trap shooting is a popular and challenging clay target shooting sport that has been enjoyed by hunters and competitive shooters for over 200 years. The sport involves using a shotgun to break clay targets launched into the air at varying angles from a machine called a trap. Trap shooting requires focus, quick reflexes, and a keen eye.

Over the years, many trap shooters, from beginners to Olympic champions, have shared their insights, advice and humor about the sport through memorable quotes. These trap shooting quotes capture the essence of what makes this sport so appealing and addictive to its enthusiastic participants. They touch on the mental aspects of the game, the never-ending quest for perfection, and the camaraderie of the trap shooting community.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most famous, inspirational, and humorous trap shooting quotes. Whether you’re a seasoned trap shooter looking for motivation or a curious beginner seeking to understand the sport, these quotes offer wisdom and wit that will resonate with you. So let’s step up to the line, call for the target, and dive into the colorful world of trap shooting quotes.

Famous Trap Shooting Quotes

“Trap shooting is 90% mental and 10% physical.” – Dan Carlisle, Olympic gold medalist

This quote by Dan Carlisle, a member of the U.S. Trapshooting Hall of Fame, sums up the mental challenge of trap shooting. While having proper form and technique is important, the real test is being able to focus your mind, control your emotions, and execute the perfect shot under pressure.

Many of the best trap shooters are known for their mental toughness and ability to stay calm and composed on the line. They have developed pre-shot routines and positive self-talk to help them get into the zone. They visualize the perfect shot and trust their training.

As Carlisle’s quote suggests, you can have the best shotgun, the fanciest shooting vest, and the most expensive shells, but if your mind isn’t right, you won’t consistently break targets. Trap shooting is a mind game above all else.

“Shooting is 10% aiming, 90% pulling the trigger at the right moment.” – Trap shooting saying

This old trap shooting adage highlights another key aspect of the mental game – timing. In trap shooting, you don’t really “aim” the shotgun in the traditional sense. The shooting happens so fast that you have to rely on your instincts and hand-eye coordination to make the shot.

Knowing precisely when to pull the trigger as the target is flying out of the house is a skill that comes with practice and experience. Pull too early and you’ll shoot under the target. Pull too late and the target will be out of range. Timing is everything.

The great trap shooters have an uncanny ability to read the target, get the gun in the right position, and slap the trigger at just the right moment for an explosive break. When everything comes together, it’s extremely satisfying. That’s what keeps trap shooters coming back for more.

“The more I practice, the luckier I get.” – Trap shooting saying

Trap shooters know that consistent success doesn’t come from luck, but rather from hours and hours of diligent practice. The “lucky” shooters are usually the ones who put in the most time working on their craft.

Practice is essential for programming your mind and your muscles to perform the complex action of hitting a fast-moving clay target. Every target you shoot is an opportunity to reinforce good habits and correct mistakes. Champion trap shooters often shoot hundreds of practice rounds per week to stay sharp.

There are no shortcuts in trap shooting. As this quote suggests, you have to be willing to put in the work if you want to get “lucky” on the scorecard. Talent will only get you so far. Discipline and repetition are the keys to improvement.

“A bad attitude is worse than a bad swing.” – Trap shooting saying

Having a positive attitude is crucial for success in trap shooting. Every shooter will experience rough patches where they struggle to break targets. The ones who are able to maintain their composure and stay confident are the ones who will shoot their way out of a slump.

On the flip side, getting angry, frustrated or discouraged will only make things worse. A negative attitude is like a disease that can infect your entire performance. It causes tension, doubt and a lack of focus that will destroy your score.

The best trap shooters are able to shrug off a miss and move on to the next target with a clear mind. They understand that dwelling on the last shot is counterproductive. All that matters is the target in front of you.

Maintaining a positive attitude takes discipline, but it’s a skill that will serve you well both on and off the trap field. Approach the game with optimism and enjoy the process, even when you’re not shooting your best. As this quote reminds us, attitude is everything.

Humorous Trap Shooting Quotes

“I enjoy the shooting part. It’s the hitting part I have a problem with.” – Anonymous

Ah, the eternal struggle of the trap shooter – breaking more targets than you miss. This humorous quote pokes fun at the fact that trap shooting can be a frustrating game at times, even when you’re having fun.

Every trap shooter can relate to the feeling of having a great round going, only to inexplicably miss a few easy targets. Or the agony of needing just one more broken target to win a prize, but coming up short.

The truth is, even the best shooters in the world miss targets. It’s the nature of the sport. Learning to laugh off the inevitable misses and keep a sense of humor is important for enjoying the game.

So the next time you have a bad round, just remember this quote and smile. You’re not alone in your struggles. Just keep shooting and having fun. The hitting part will come around eventually.

“The only reason I ever missed a target was because the background was wrong.” – Trap shooting joke

This sarcastic quote is a favorite excuse of trap shooters everywhere. It jokingly implies that the only possible reason for missing a target is some external factor, like the background being too dark or too light or the wrong color.

Of course, the real reason for missing is usually operator error – a lapse in concentration, a poorly timed shot, or a flinch. But sometimes it’s easier on the ego to blame the background or the target or the sun in your eyes.

Experienced trap shooters understand that conditions are rarely perfect. You have to be able to adjust and adapt your shooting to whatever the day brings – wind, rain, glare, cold, heat, and yes, even backgrounds that aren’t to your liking.

The top shooters are the ones who can consistently break targets in all types of environments, no excuses needed. They know that the only thing they can control is the shot in front of them. Blaming the background is just a humorous way to keep things in perspective.

“Trap shooting is a lot like golf. It’s a good walk, ruined.” – Anonymous

This quote is a play on a famous saying about golf, and it rings true for trap shooting as well. Both sports involve a lot of walking, waiting and potential frustration in between brief moments of action and excitement.

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In trap shooting, you spend a lot of time standing around in between rounds, waiting for your turn to shoot. You might walk from one station to the next, chatting with your squad mates, enjoying the camaraderie and the fresh air. But then you step up to the line and the pressure is on to perform.

A perfect round can make all the walking worthwhile. But a bad round can feel like a waste of a good stroll. Such is the fickle nature of the sport. It giveth and it taketh away.

Of course, true trap shooting enthusiasts understand that a day spent at the range is never a waste, no matter what you shoot. The joy is in the journey, not just the destination. And if you can laugh about the bad rounds and cherish the good ones, you’re doing it right.

“Trap shooting: Turning money into noise since the 18th century.” – Trap shooting saying

Let’s face it, trap shooting can be an expensive hobby. Between the cost of shotguns, shells, targets, range fees, travel and more, it’s easy to burn through a lot of cash in pursuit of broken clays.

This humorous quote puts a funny spin on the financial realities of the sport. At its most basic level, you’re paying money to shoot at targets and make a lot of noise. When you break it down like that, it does seem a little silly.

But any passionate trap shooter will tell you that the rewards of the sport go far beyond the simple act of making things go bang. There’s the thrill of competition, the satisfaction of honing your skills, the joy of spending time outdoors with friends and family.

Sure, trap shooting can be a costly endeavor. But for its dedicated participants, it’s worth every penny. The memories made and the friendships forged on the trap field are priceless.

And if you’re really lucky, you might even win a few bucks at a tournament to offset your expenses. But even if you don’t, just remember this quote and smile at the absurdity of it all. Trap shooting may turn money into noise, but it’s the sweetest noise around.

Motivational Trap Shooting Quotes

“Every target is a new opportunity. Focus on the present.” – Dan Carlisle

In trap shooting, it’s easy to get caught up thinking about your score, your last miss, or the targets to come. But as this motivational quote by Olympic champion Dan Carlisle suggests, the key is to stay focused on the present moment.

Every time a target flies out of the house, you have a new chance to crush it. It doesn’t matter what happened on the last shot or what might happen on the next one. All that matters is the opportunity in front of you right now.

This mindset is easier said than done, of course. It takes practice and discipline to quiet the noise in your head and stay locked in on the task at hand. But it’s a skill that will serve you well in trap shooting and in life.

When you’re fully present and focused on the now, you give yourself the best chance to perform your best. You’re not worried about the future or dwelling on the past. You’re just reacting and trusting your training.

So the next time you step up to the line, take a deep breath and remind yourself of this quote. Embrace the opportunity in front of you. Visualize a perfect break. Then call for the target and let it fly.

“You can’t control the target, but you can control your reaction to it.” – Trap shooting saying

One of the mental challenges of trap shooting is dealing with the unpredictable nature of the targets. The angle, speed and direction of each clay can vary, making it difficult to establish a consistent rhythm.

It’s tempting to get frustrated when you get a “bad” target or a series of hard ones. But as this quote reminds us, you can’t control the targets. The only thing you can control is your response to them.

The best trap shooters are able to adapt on the fly and stay composed no matter what kind of targets they’re getting. They don’t get flustered by tough shots or let misses shake their confidence. They simply take each target as it comes and do their best to break it.

Having this flexible and resilient mindset is key for long-term success in the sport. Over the course of a tournament or a season, you’re going to get all kinds of looks at the targets. The shooters who are able to maintain their form and focus through the ups and downs are the ones who will come out on top.

So don’t waste energy worrying about the quality of the targets. Just concentrate on crushing the next one in front of you. Trust your eyes and your instincts. Stay in the moment and let your training take over. That’s all you can control, and that’s enough.

“Confidence is key. Believe in yourself and your ability.” – Trap shooting saying

Confidence is a crucial ingredient for success in any sport, and trap shooting is no exception. When you step up to the line, you have to believe in yourself and your skills. Doubt and hesitation will only lead to missed targets.

Building and maintaining confidence is an ongoing process that requires work on and off the range. It starts with proper preparation and training. The more you practice and the better you understand the fundamentals, the more self-assured you’ll be in competition.

It also involves managing your self-talk and your body language. Positive affirmations and visualizations can help cultivate an optimistic and confident mindset. Standing tall, smiling and projecting an air of calm focus can actually make you feel more self-assured.

But perhaps most importantly, confidence comes from within. It’s about trusting the work you’ve put in and knowing that you have the ability to succeed. It’s about accepting that you’re not going to be perfect, but believing that you can handle whatever challenges come your way.

When you shoot with true confidence, amazing things can happen. Your mind is clear, your movements are fluid and the targets seem to float into your pattern. You’re not worried about results, you’re just immersed in the joy of the shot.

So the next time self-doubt starts to creep in, remember this motivational quote. Take a moment to reconnect with your skills and your love for the sport. Believe in yourself and your ability to break the next target. Confidence is key.

Trap Shooting Quotes About Technique

“Head on the stock and eye on the rock.” – Trap shooting saying

This simple yet profound quote encapsulates two of the most important fundamentals of trap shooting technique – keeping your head on the stock of the gun and focusing your eyes on the target.

Maintaining a consistent cheek weld on the stock is crucial for proper gun mount and alignment. If your head is lifting or moving around, it’s hard to establish a solid sight picture and point of impact. Keeping your head down and glued to the stock ensures that the gun is pointing where you’re looking.

Equally important is keeping your eyes focused on the target, or the “rock” as it’s called in trap shooting lingo. Your eyes are what guide the gun to the right spot. If you’re not fully locked in on the clay, you’ll have a hard time making a smooth, accurate shot.

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Trap shooting quotes

  • “Trap shooting is not a sport, it’s a way of life.”
  • “Aim small, miss small.”
  • “In trap shooting, it’s just you and the clay. Everything else fades away.”
  • “Clay targets: the original flying saucers.”
  • “Every miss is a lesson.”
  • “Trap shooting: where the thrill is in the chase.”
  • “Bust ’em all!”
  • “The best therapy has feathers and flies.”
  • “The smell of gunpowder in the morning: a trap shooter’s breakfast.”
  • “Pull, aim, fire, repeat.”
  • “Practice makes perfect, but only if you’re practicing perfectly.”
  • “The only bad shotgun is the one you left at home.”
  • “A perfect day: blue skies, a shotgun, and endless clays.”
  • “Break ’em or go home.”
  • “Eyes on the target, mind in the zone.”
  • “Shotgun in hand, worries left behind.”
  • “It’s not about the gun; it’s about the shooter.”
  • “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
  • “Trap shooting: the art of turning clay into dust.”
  • “A shotgun can’t solve all your problems, but it’s a good start.”
  • “Clay targets don’t stand a chance.”
  • “Shotgun: the original social distancing tool.”
  • “There are no shortcuts in trap shooting; it’s all about skill and practice.”
  • “Clay is just a temporary state of matter.”
  • “The only thing better than shooting clays is shooting more clays.”
  • “In trap shooting, you can’t fake it till you make it. You have to earn it.”
  • “Don’t count the days; make the days count on the range.”
  • “Shoot straight, break clay.”
  • “In the world of trap shooting, there are no participation trophies.”
  • “Clay pigeons: the only birds we love to see fall.”
  • “Shooting clays is my therapy, and the range is my counselor’s office.”
  • “Chasing clays: the pursuit of perfection.”
  • “The trap field is my happy place.”
  • “Trap shooting: where every shot is a fresh start.”
  • “Shotguns may be loud, but the satisfaction is even louder.”
  • “Precision is my ammunition, and consistency is my trigger.”
  • “Champion trap shooters are made on the practice field.”
  • “Clays may shatter, but dreams don’t have to.”
  • “When in doubt, follow through.”
  • “The only thing harder than hitting a clay is quitting the sport.”
  • “Trap shooting: where anticipation meets satisfaction.”
  • “Confidence is the secret weapon of trap shooters.”
  • “A well-oiled gun and a well-trained eye – a recipe for success.”
  • “Trap shooting: turning lead into gold, one clay at a time.”
  • “I don’t aim, I point.”
  • “Trap shooting is not just about breaking targets; it’s about breaking boundaries.”
  • “The sound of clays breaking is music to my ears.”
  • “Consistency is the key to unlocking success in trap shooting.”
  • “Trap shooters are the artists of the shotgun world.”
  • “One shot, one kill.”
  • “Trap shooting is a test of focus and nerves.”
  • “Breaking clays is a form of self-expression.”
  • “In the world of trap shooting, practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good; it’s the thing you do that makes you good.”
  • “Champions don’t wait for the perfect shot; they create it.”
  • “Aiming is overrated; pointing is the way to go.”
  • “Trap shooters don’t age; they gain experience.”
  • “Every trap shooter has their own style, but we all share the same love for the sport.”
  • “Trap shooting is a journey, not a destination.”
  • “When life gives you clays, break ’em.”
  • “Trap shooting: where the trigger pull is the applause.”
  • “The camaraderie of the range is as important as the targets.”
  • “Clay targets don’t discriminate; they challenge us all.”
  • “In trap shooting, patience is a virtue.”
  • “The only thing I like better than talking about trap shooting is doing it.”
  • “Trap shooting: where the pastime becomes a passion.”
  • “Clay targets are the canvas; the shotgun is the brush.”
  • “Trap shooting: a game of grace under pressure.”
  • “Hitting a clay is like hitting the reset button on life.”
  • “Every miss is an opportunity to learn and improve.”
  • “Shoot for the stars, and if you miss, you’ll still break some clays.”

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Skeet shooting quotes

  • “Skeet shooting: where the challenge is always in the air.”
  • “Skeet shooting is the ultimate test of hand-eye coordination.”
  • “The only thing better than hitting a clay is hitting two clays.”
  • “Every round is a fresh opportunity to break clays.”
  • “A perfect day for skeet shooting is any day that ends with broken targets.”
  • “The clay may fly, but the shooter’s determination soars.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where skill meets precision.”
  • “In skeet shooting, you control the outcome with every pull of the trigger.”
  • “Clay targets don’t stand a chance against a determined shooter.”
  • “Skeet shooting is a dance of bullets and clay.”
  • “Eyes on the prize, sights on the clay.”
  • “In the world of skeet shooting, every shot is a work of art.”
  • “Pull, shoot, break, repeat.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where the shotgun is an extension of the shooter.”
  • “Practice makes perfect, but perfect practice makes perfect shots.”
  • “Skeet shooters don’t have bad days; they have target adjustment days.”
  • “The only thing more satisfying than hitting a clay is watching it disintegrate.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where the trigger pull is the applause.”
  • “Skeet shooters find beauty in the flight of the clay.”
  • “Every broken clay is a small victory on the range.”
  • “Skeet shooting: precision and patience in perfect harmony.”
  • “Shotguns in hand, worries left behind.”
  • “Skeet shooters have a different kind of aim in life.”
  • “The shotgun may be loud, but the satisfaction is even louder.”
  • “Skeet shooting is a passion that never stops flying.”
  • “The only thing harder than hitting a clay is quitting the sport.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where anticipation meets satisfaction.”
  • “Confidence is the secret weapon of skeet shooters.”
  • “A well-aimed shot is a beautiful sight to behold.”
  • “In skeet shooting, there’s no such thing as ‘good enough.'”
  • “Skeet shooting is the art of turning clay into confetti.”
  • “A skeet shooter’s world is a world of clays in flight.”
  • “In the world of skeet shooting, practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good; it’s the thing you do that makes you good.”
  • “Champions don’t wait for the perfect shot; they create it.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where the target is always moving, but the goal is unwavering.”
  • “The shotgun is the brush; the clay targets are the canvas.”
  • “Skeet shooters don’t age; they gain experience.”
  • “Every skeet shooter has their own style, but they all share a love for the sport.”
  • “Skeet shooting is a journey of self-discovery and improvement.”
  • “The pursuit of perfection begins with a pull of the trigger.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where every clay is a challenge waiting to be overcome.”
  • “The camaraderie of the range is as important as the targets.”
  • “Clay targets don’t discriminate; they test us all.”
  • “In skeet shooting, patience and precision are the ultimate companions.”
  • “The sound of clays breaking is music to a skeet shooter’s ears.”
  • “Skeet shooting is not just a hobby; it’s a way of life.”
  • “When life gives you clays, break ’em.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where every round is a new opportunity.”
  • “Hitting a clay is like hitting the reset button on life.”
  • “The only thing I like better than talking about skeet shooting is doing it.”
  • “Skeet shooting is a test of focus, nerves, and consistency.”
  • “Precision is my ammunition, and consistency is my trigger.”
  • “Chasing clays: the pursuit of excellence.”
  • “Skeet shooting is the art of making the impossible seem routine.”
  • “Skeet shooting: where the challenge is in the crosshairs.”
  • “Clay targets are fleeting, but the memories last a lifetime.”
  • “Skeet shooting: a game of grace and control.”
  • “The only bad shot is the one you didn’t take.”
  • “Skeet shooting is a blend of science and art.”
  • “A perfect shot is a symphony of skill and timing.”
  • “In skeet shooting, every miss is an opportunity to improve.”
  • “Skeet shooters thrive on the thrill of the chase.”
  • “Skeet shooting: a pursuit that demands both patience and precision.”
  • “Clays may fly, but the shooter’s resolve is unwavering.”
  • “Skeet shooting: turning lead into confetti, one clay at a time.”
  • “Break ’em or go home.”
  • “Skeet shooting is a journey that never ends, but it’s the adventure that counts.”
  • “Aiming is overrated; pointing is the way to go.”
  • “Skeet shooters don’t count the days; they make the days count on the range.”
  • “Shoot for the stars, and if you miss, you’ll still break some clays.”

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Trap Shooting Quotes About Continuous Improvement

“In trap shooting, you either win or you learn. There is no losing.” – Trap shooting saying

This quote encapsulates the growth mindset that is so essential for success in trap shooting and in life. It reframes the concept of failure or defeat into an opportunity for learning and improvement.

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In any competitive endeavor, it’s natural to want to win. We all strive for victory and validation. But the reality is that no one wins all the time. Even the best trap shooters in the world have off days and disappointing performances.

The key is to not let those setbacks define you or discourage you. Instead, view them as valuable feedback and an opportunity to get better. Every missed target is a chance to analyze what went wrong and make an adjustment. Every lost match is a chance to identify weaknesses and work on them.

In this way, there is no such thing as losing in trap shooting. There is only winning and learning. Either you come out on top, or you come out wiser and better prepared for the next challenge. Either way, you’re making progress.

This mindset takes the pressure off of any one performance or result. It allows you to approach each shot and each round with a sense of curiosity and openness rather than fear or anxiety. You’re not trying to be perfect, you’re just trying to learn and grow.

It also helps you maintain a positive attitude and a long-term perspective. You understand that the path to mastery is not a straight line, but rather a series of ups and downs, successes and failures. You don’t get too high or too low based on any one outcome. You just keep pushing forward, one lesson at a time.

Of course, adopting this mindset is easier said than done. It takes practice and self-awareness to reframe failure as feedback. It takes humility to admit when you need to make changes or seek help. It takes resilience to bounce back from disappointments and keep going.

But the more you can embrace this philosophy, the more enjoyable and rewarding your trap shooting journey will be. You’ll be less afraid to take risks and try new things. You’ll be more adaptable and coachable. You’ll be better equipped to handle the inevitable challenges and setbacks that come with the sport.

So the next time you have a tough round or a frustrating practice session, remember this quote. You didn’t lose, you learned. You didn’t fail, you got feedback. Keep that growth mindset, and keep moving forward. In trap shooting, there is no losing, only winning and learning.

“The more I practice, the luckier I get.” – Trap shooting saying (adapted from a quote often attributed to golfer Gary Player)

This classic quote, adapted from the world of golf, is just as applicable to trap shooting. It highlights the direct relationship between hard work and success, and dispels the notion that achievement is based on luck or natural talent alone.

In any sport or skill, it’s tempting to attribute success to innate ability or fortunate circumstances. We see the top performers and assume they must have been born with some special gift or advantage that we lack. But the truth is, the vast majority of their success comes from good old-fashioned practice and preparation.

The best trap shooters aren’t just lucky. They’re the ones who put in the time and effort to hone their craft. They’re the ones who show up to the range day after day, rain or shine. They’re the ones who analyze their technique, seek out coaching, and never stop learning.

Sure, some people might have a natural aptitude for the sport or pick it up more quickly than others. But raw talent will only take you so far. To truly excel, you have to be willing to put in the work. You have to be disciplined, dedicated, and persistent.

The more you practice, the more consistent and confident you’ll become. You’ll develop muscle memory and mental toughness. You’ll be better equipped to handle pressure and adversity. You’ll start to see patterns and make adjustments more quickly.

And yes, you might even start to feel like you’re getting “luckier.” But it’s not really luck at all. It’s the cumulative effect of all those hours spent honing your skills and preparing for success. It’s the payoff for your hard work and commitment.

Of course, practice alone isn’t enough. You also have to practice smart. You have to focus on the right things, seek out feedback, and continually challenge yourself to improve. You have to be willing to step outside your comfort zone and try new techniques or drills.

But the more you put into your practice, the more you’ll get out of it. The more you’ll start to see results on the scorecard and in your overall performance. The more you’ll start to feel like you’re making your own luck.

So the next time you’re feeling frustrated or discouraged with your progress, remember this quote. Don’t wait around for luck or talent to carry you through. Get out there and make your own luck through hard work and practice. The more you practice, the “luckier” you’ll get.


What is trap shooting?

Trap shooting is a competitive clay target shooting sport in which participants use shotguns to break clay disks launched into the air at high speed from a machine called a trap. The sport originated in the late 18th century as a way for hunters to practice their skills, and has since evolved into a popular recreational and competitive activity enjoyed by shooters of all ages and skill levels.

In a typical trap shooting event, shooters take turns standing at five different positions arranged in an arc behind the trap house. When it’s their turn to shoot, they call for the target and attempt to break it with their shotgun before it hits the ground. The targets are launched at varying angles and speeds to simulate the flight of game birds.

Trap shooting requires a combination of skill, focus, and quick reflexes. Shooters must be able to accurately track the moving target, lead it with their shotgun, and time their shot perfectly to make a successful hit. It’s a challenging sport that demands practice, discipline, and mental toughness.