100+ Funny ice hockey quotes

Ice hockey is a fast-paced, thrilling sport filled with colorful characters and memorable moments. Throughout the history of the game, players, coaches, and commentators have uttered countless witty, inspirational, and downright hilarious quotes that capture the essence of hockey. In this article, we’ll explore some of the greatest ice hockey quotes of all time, from the profound to the comical, and delve into the stories and personalities behind them.

Funny Ice Hockey Quotes That Will Make You Laugh

Hockey players and coaches are known for their quick wit and sharp tongues. Here are some of the funniest ice hockey quotes guaranteed to make you chuckle:

“I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.” – Rodney Dangerfield

This classic one-liner by the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield perfectly encapsulates the rough-and-tumble nature of hockey, where fights are a common occurrence.

“All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.” – Gordie Howe

Gordie Howe, aka “Mr. Hockey,” was one of the greatest players of all time. This quote humorously acknowledges the colorful language often heard on the ice.

“Half the game is mental; the other half is being mental.” – Jim McKenny

Former Toronto Maple Leafs defenseman Jim McKenny’s quote is a clever play on words that emphasizes the importance of mental toughness in hockey.

“Why is a puck called a puck? Because dirty little bastard was taken.” – Martin Brodeur

New Jersey Devils goaltender Martin Brodeur, one of the most successful goalies in NHL history, shows off his comedic side with this cheeky quote about the origins of the word “puck.”

Inspirational Ice Hockey Quotes to Motivate You

Hockey is a sport that demands dedication, perseverance, and a never-say-die attitude. These inspirational quotes from hockey greats will motivate you to give your all, both on and off the ice:

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky

Known as “The Great One,” Wayne Gretzky is widely considered the best hockey player of all time. This quote encourages players to take risks and seize opportunities, even if they might miss the mark.

“The highest compliment that you can pay me is to say that I work hard every day, that I never dog it.” – Wayne Gretzky

Another gem from Gretzky, this quote emphasizes the importance of consistent effort and dedication to one’s craft.

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” – Wayne Gretzky

Gretzky’s ability to anticipate plays and be in the right place at the right time set him apart from his peers. This quote highlights the value of strategic thinking and foresight.

“Every day is a great day for hockey.” – Mario Lemieux

Mario Lemieux, another hockey legend, reminds us to appreciate the joy and excitement that hockey brings to our lives.

Famous Ice Hockey Quotes About Teamwork and Leadership

Hockey is a team sport that requires players to work together and support one another. These quotes underscore the importance of teamwork, leadership, and putting the team first:

“The name on the front of the jersey is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back.” – Herb Brooks

Herb Brooks, the coach of the “Miracle on Ice” 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team, stresses the importance of team unity and playing for something greater than individual glory.

“Great moments are born from great opportunities.” – Herb Brooks

Another inspirational quote from Brooks, this one encourages players to rise to the occasion and make the most of the chances they are given.

“The best players I’ve coached are the ones who compete every day in practice. It’s not just about the games.” – Mike Babcock

Mike Babcock, a Stanley Cup-winning coach, emphasizes the importance of hard work and competition in practice, not just during games.

“I think the thing about that was I was always willing to work; I was not the fastest or biggest player but I was determined to be the best hockey player I could be on the ice and I think I was able to accomplish that through hard work.” – Wayne Gretzky

Gretzky attributes his success to his unwavering work ethic and determination to be the best, even if he wasn’t the biggest or fastest player on the ice.

Ice Hockey Quotes About the Love of the Game

For many players and fans, hockey is more than just a sport – it’s a passion and a way of life. These quotes capture the deep love and appreciation that people have for the game:

“Hockey is a unique sport in the sense that you need each and every guy helping each other and pulling in the same direction to be successful.” – Wayne Gretzky

Gretzky highlights the special camaraderie and teamwork that hockey fosters, with every player working together towards a common goal.

“I love those hockey moms. You know what they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is? Lipstick.” – Sarah Palin

Former Alaska governor and U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin pays tribute to the fierce dedication and loyalty of hockey moms with this humorous quote.

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“To succeed in hockey, you need teamwork.” – Henry Samueli

Henry Samueli, co-founder of Broadcom Corporation and owner of the Anaheim Ducks, succinctly sums up the importance of teamwork in hockey.

“Hockey’s a funny game. You have to prove yourself every shift, every game. It’s not up to anybody else. You have to take pride in yourself.” – Paul Coffey

Hall of Fame defenseman Paul Coffey stresses the need for constant self-motivation and taking pride in one’s own performance on the ice.

Quotes About the Toughness and Grit of Hockey Players

Hockey is a physically demanding sport that requires players to be tough, gritty, and willing to sacrifice their bodies for the team. These quotes highlight the resilience and fortitude of hockey players:

“Hockey is a tough, physical game, and it always should be.” – Mario Lemieux

Lemieux acknowledges the inherent toughness and physicality of hockey, which are integral parts of the game.

“When you play hockey, you don’t have any fear. As soon as you step on the ice everything goes away and you’re focusing on the puck and focusing on the play.” – Alexander Ovechkin

Washington Capitals superstar Alexander Ovechkin describes the fearless mindset that hockey players must adopt when they take the ice.

“I’m not out there to win a popularity contest. I’m out there to win hockey games.” – Mark Messier

Mark Messier, a six-time Stanley Cup champion, emphasizes his focus on winning games above all else, even if it means not being the most popular player.

“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” – Wayne Gretzky

Another classic Gretzky quote, this one illustrates his proactive approach to the game and his ability to anticipate plays before they happen.

Quotes About the Mental Side of Hockey

As much as hockey is a physical game, it also requires a strong mental approach. These quotes delve into the psychological aspects of the sport:

“Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.” – Wayne Gretzky

Gretzky warns against the dangers of procrastination and emphasizes the importance of taking action and seizing opportunities.

“You’ve got to love what you’re doing. If you love it, you can overcome any handicap, or the soreness, or all the aches and pains and continue to play for a long, long time.” – Gordie Howe

Howe stresses the power of passion and love for the game, which can help players push through adversity and enjoy long, successful careers.

“It’s not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it’s what you put into the practice.” – Eric Lindros

Former NHL star Eric Lindros highlights the importance of quality over quantity when it comes to practice, encouraging players to give their full effort and focus.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

While not specifically a hockey quote, this famous saying by Buddha applies to the mental side of the game, reminding players that their thoughts and beliefs shape their reality on the ice.

Quotes About the Beauty and Poetry of Hockey

Despite its rough exterior, hockey has a certain grace and beauty that has inspired many poetic quotes over the years:

“Hockey captures the essence of Canadian experience in the New World. In a land so inescapably and inhospitably cold, hockey is the chance of life, and an affirmation that despite the deathly chill of winter we are alive.” – Stephen Leacock

Canadian humorist and writer Stephen Leacock eloquently describes how hockey embodies the Canadian spirit and serves as a defiant celebration of life in the face of harsh winter conditions.

“Hockey is an art. It requires speed, precision, and strength like other sports, but it also demands an extraordinary intelligence to develop a logical sequence of movements, a technique which is smooth, graceful and in rhythm with the rest of the game.” – Jacques Plante

Hall of Fame goaltender Jacques Plante compares hockey to art, emphasizing the intelligence, technique, and grace required to excel at the sport.

“I don’t know if it matters what country you’re from, or what language you speak. I’ve played with so many guys from different countries that you learn that hockey is a universal language. That’s the beauty of it.” – Jarome Iginla

Former Calgary Flames captain Jarome Iginla celebrates the universal appeal of hockey, which transcends language and cultural barriers to bring people together.

“Hockey is the original extreme sport.” – Tom Ward

Writer Tom Ward succinctly captures the thrilling, high-stakes nature of hockey with this short but powerful quote.


Ice hockey has produced countless memorable quotes over the years, each one offering a unique perspective on the sport and the people who play it. From the hilarious to the profound, these quotes serve as a testament to the enduring appeal and significance of hockey in the lives of players and fans alike.

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As we’ve seen, hockey quotes cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • The importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance
  • The value of teamwork and leadership
  • The mental and psychological aspects of the game
  • The beauty, grace, and poetry of hockey
  • The toughness and resilience of hockey players
  • The universal appeal and ability of hockey to bring people together

By studying and appreciating these quotes, we gain a deeper understanding of the sport and the life lessons it can teach us. Whether you’re a player looking for motivation, a fan seeking inspiration, or simply someone who appreciates a good quote, the world of ice hockey has something to offer everyone.

  • “Hockey players have fire in their hearts and ice in their veins.”
  • “Hockey is the only job where you can sit on the bench and scream at the boss.”
  • “I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.” – Rodney Dangerfield
  • “Hockey: making dentists rich since 1875.”
  • “I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey is the original extreme sport.”
  • “In hockey, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • “I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked.” – Will Smith (Referring to hockey training)
  • “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • “If you think I’m tough, try being a goalie.” – Martin Brodeur
  • “Hockey players have the best flow.”
  • “I may be old, but I’ve seen all the great goalies.” – Bernie Parent
  • “Hockey: Because soccer players only use their feet.”
  • “I like hockey because it’s a sport for white men. Basketball, golf, and tennis, that’s for black guys.” – Chris Rock
  • “I went to a hockey game, and a fight broke out. Then a hockey game broke out.” – Tom Arnold
  • “The only thing better than a kiss on the lips is a kiss on the ice.” – Jacques Plante
  • “If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.” – Pat Riley (applies to hockey too!)
  • “You miss 100% of the goals you don’t take shots on.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey is figure skating in a war zone.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey players are like a pot of chili. The best ones have a little bit of everything.” – Unknown

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 Funny ice hockey quotes – P1

  • “When I was young, I wanted to be a hockey player, but I wasn’t any good at it.” – Steven Spielberg
  • “The three most important things in hockey are skating, skating, and skating.” – Bobby Orr
  • “There are two types of people in this world: hockey players and those who wish they were hockey players.”
  • “Hockey: Where the days are cold, but the hearts are warm.”
  • “I play hockey because it’s the only job where I can drink on the job.” – Unknown
  • “The only thing better than a hat trick is a trick hat.” – Unknown
  • “Why do hockey players always have a cold? Because they play on ice.”
  • “The only thing better than winning is winning with your friends.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • “Hockey is a tough game. It’s even tougher if you’re stupid.” – John Madden
  • “In hockey, you have to be cool, calm, and collected, which is why I’m not a hockey player.” – Unknown
  • “I can’t keep calm; I’m a hockey mom.”
  • “Hockey: Where the players have ice in their veins and teeth in their fists.”
  • “There’s no ‘I’ in hockey, but there is in ‘icing.'” – Unknown
  • “Life without hockey is like life without ice cream. Why even bother?”
  • “Hockey: The only sport where the penalty box is a cool place to hang out.”
  • “The best days are spent on the ice.”
  • “Hockey players are cool as ice.”
  • “Hockey: It’s not just a game; it’s a lifestyle.”
  • “When in doubt, skate it out.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey players have the best slapshots and the worst pickup lines.”
  • “Hockey players do it on ice.”
  • “I’m not saying I’m a great hockey coach, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.” – Unknown
  • “If you can’t play nice, play hockey.”
  • “Hockey: It’s a puck’s life.”
  • “Hockey players don’t need wings to fly.”
  • “Hockey is life. The rest is just details.”
  • “When life gives you ice, make ice hockey.”
  • “Hockey is the only sport that’s played on frozen water and ends with everyone getting hot under the collar.”
  • “Hockey players have all the right moves.”
  • “Hockey is the coolest sport on Earth.”
  • “Hockey: The original winter sport.”
  • “I’m not a regular mom; I’m a hockey mom.”
  • “Hockey is the fastest game on two feet.”
  • “Life is better with a little puck luck.”
  • “Hockey: Because soccer is for wimps.”
  • “Hockey players do it with sticks.”
  • “Hockey is the art of skating in circles while waving a stick.”

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Funny Quotes about ice hocky – P2

  • “Hockey players have a stick up their ice.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey: Where the fights are friendly, and the friendships are fierce.”
  • “Hockey players are like onions. We have layers.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey: It’s not just a sport; it’s a way of life.”
  • “Hockey is a tough sport. You have to be tough to play it.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey players have the coolest hats (helmets).” – Unknown
  • “I only play hockey on days that end in ‘y.'”
  • “Hockey: It’s all about the ice, the puck, and the Zamboni.”
  • “If you can’t take a hit, stay off the ice.”
  • “Hockey: Where the players have more sticks than friends.”
  • “I’m not a player; I just slap a lot.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey is like war on ice, but with fewer casualties.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey: The only place where it’s okay to slam into someone and then apologize.”
  • “Hockey is a game of inches. So is my waistline after a season of watching hockey.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey players are born to be wild.”
  • “Hockey players have the best checks (and balances).” – Unknown
  • “Hockey: Where you can’t spell ‘hero’ without ‘h-e-r-o.'” – Unknown
  • “Hockey players: always on thin ice.”
  • “I don’t need therapy; I just need to watch hockey.”
  • “Hockey: It’s not just a game; it’s a passion.”
  • “I can’t keep calm; it’s hockey season!”
  • “Hockey: Where the players have ice water in their veins and frozen peas on their bruises.”
  • “Hockey players do it with sticks and pucks.”
  • “In hockey, you can’t be good, you have to be great.”
  • “Hockey: Where the players have the coolest hats and the hottest tempers.”
  • “Hockey players don’t need a reason to fight; they just need a face.” – Unknown
  • “Life is better with a little ice in it.”
  • “Hockey is like chess, but with pawns that can punch you in the face.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey players are cooler than the ice they play on.”
  • “Hockey is the only sport where you can legally beat up your opponent.” – Unknown
  • “Hockey players: Puck yeah!” – Unknown
  • “Hockey: Where the goals are sweet, and the ice is sweeter.”
  • “I’m not saying I’m the best hockey player in the world, but I’m in the top one.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • “Hockey is my therapy.”
  • “Hockey players have the best hat tricks.”
  • “Hockey: Because figure skating is too easy.”
  • “Hockey is the glue that holds my heart together.”
  • “In hockey, you don’t get what you wish for; you get what you work for.”
  • “Hockey is like a good book. You can’t put it down.”
  • “Hockey: Where the players have icy hearts and fiery spirits.”
  • “Hockey players are a special breed.”
  • “I’d rather be playing hockey.”
  • “Hockey: Where the players have a heart of ice and a smile that melts it.”
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  1. Who said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”?
    • Wayne Gretzky, one of the greatest hockey players of all time, is credited with this famous quote.
  2. What did Gordie Howe mean when he said, “All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity”?
    • Howe was humorously pointing out that hockey players often use colorful language on the ice, and that profanity is like a second language to them.
  3. Why is teamwork so important in hockey?
    • Hockey is a fast-paced, complex sport that requires players to work together seamlessly. No one player can win a game alone, and success depends on each team member fulfilling their role and supporting their teammates.
  4. How can hockey players develop mental toughness?
    • Mental toughness can be developed through practice, visualization techniques, setting goals, and learning from failures. It’s important for players to stay focused, maintain a positive attitude, and bounce back from adversity.
  5. What life lessons can we learn from hockey quotes?
    • Hockey quotes can teach us valuable lessons about hard work, perseverance, teamwork, leadership, and the importance of passion and dedication in pursuing our goals. They also remind us to embrace challenges, stay mentally strong, and never give up in the face of adversity.

Key Takeaways

  • Ice hockey has a rich history of memorable and inspiring quotes from players, coaches, and commentators.
  • Hockey quotes cover a wide range of topics, from the humorous to the profound, and offer valuable insights into the sport and its culture.
  • Many hockey quotes emphasize the importance of hard work, dedication, teamwork, and mental toughness in achieving success on the ice.
  • Hockey is a physically demanding sport that requires players to be tough, gritty, and willing to sacrifice for their team.
  • The sport also has a certain beauty and poetry to it, with quotes that celebrate its grace, intelligence, and universal appeal.
  • By studying and appreciating hockey quotes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the sport and the life lessons it can teach us, both on and off the ice.